Healthy Programmes


Get back to a healthy lifestyle through a change in your diet.

How? Learning and starting up a way to eat according to two of the best sustainable diets approved by the scientific community.

You will learn to eat, sleep and move better on a day-to-day basis by understanding what your body needs.

How are we going to work?

Programme of 4 or 6 weeks in which we will analyze your routines, identify the main problems and establish the objectives you want to achieve.

After an initial evaluation, we will start introducing eating guidelines combined with healthy habits in your day-to-day life. We will be adding new ones gradually until you have a great plan to eat and live better.

In addition, I will carry out a weekly consultation with you, I will give you materials like tasks, shopping lists, information about food, recipes, etc., and be in contact in writing to clarify doubts if necessary.

Who could be interested?

  • If you have had a health problem and you want to recover energy and strength or you are missing vitality because you have neglected the way you live.
  • If you are a person with great stress and you have no time nor know how to eat well.
  • If you are overweight, you need to lose some pounds and get back to your ideal weight.
  • If you want to learn to do “things right” and you need more vitality, better performance, less fatigue, sleep better … In short, you want to live “healthier” and learn to eat.

Shall we start to learn and enjoy a healthy diet?

Lose some weight by learning to eat in a healthy and mindful way


Intermittent fasting programme with general dietary guidelines.

Thanks to intermittent fasting, the metabolism is reactivated, promoting the loss of abdominal fat weight. Toxins are eliminated and we eat healthy for 3 weeks, which makes us have more energy, feel active, sleep better. We learn a great way to compensate for any imbalance in those phases where we don´t follow the normal diet (dinners, celebrations, large meals, eating during trips, vacations, etc …)

Intermittent fasting is associated with a delay in cellular aging and it is a metabolism enhancer, meaning that we not only gain vitality and energy but also prevent many problems related to aging.

How are we going to work?

Durante tres semanas vamos a conocer y poner en práctica tres de las técnicas que existen para hacer un ayuno intermitente. Entendiendo las diferencias y beneficios de cada una de ellas.

Además, te daré distintas recomendaciones para comer correctamente en las fases de ingesta permitida y material para facilitarte tu día a día.

Iremos revisando nuestros avances una vez por semana, a través de presentaciones online y mediante contacto por escrito para resolver tus dudas.

Opcionalmente – consulta personal antes y después.

Who could be interested?

  • If you want to lose weight in a controlled manner before starting a complete change of diet.
  • If you need and want to do an intense detox cleansing phase once or twice a year to boost your metabolism, get more performance and lose some weight.
  • If you are already aware of the benefits of this technique and want to put it into practice to improve your quality of life.

Can I help you do an intermittent fast?

Eat well. Feel good. Be okay.


A rather intense weight loss programme that offers you new eating habits you will then maintain forever.

Food serves as a bridge to enrich ourselves and grow in our personal development; it gives us the energy and impulse we need to undertake many things that we had on our wish list.

With this programme we will get back to our figure, our self-esteem. We feel strong, attractive, safe. We will practice consistency and commitment to achieve whatever we set out to do in this life.

How are we going to work?

This programme is divided into a fasting phase, an intense phase, a transition phase and the maintenance phase.

In each of them, you will receive detailed instructions on how, what, when, and how much you should eat, as well as a series of guidelines for you to build a new routine that you can maintain after the programme.

It is done individually and we will have a couple of consultancies per week (the first 3 weeks) and daily availability for any doubt or question you might have. We will address the emotional aspect and the relationship with food, discover the origin of some patterns, etc.

In addition, it is accompanied by a weekly programme with recipes and help lists, a motivational boost, and learning some techniques to living with greater satisfaction at all levels.

Who could be interested?

  • If you are overweight and need to lose some pounds to come back to your ideal weight.
  • If you want to learn to do “things right”, live “healthier”, learn to eat.
  • If you are a mother with remaining weight after pregnancy.
  • If you are a woman after menopause.
  • If you are a man with a prominent abdomen and you want to recover your figure.
    If you want to get out of a difficult phase, in which you also put on weight.

Do you want to lose weight and avoid the bouncing effect?